Gritskov V. V.  On the new mechanism of formation of required technical requirements – p.4.



Drobadenko V. P., Butov I. I.  Subsurface and ecology of economics – p.11.

The article discusses the changing regulatory environment in the field of environmental protection. The necessity of reorganization of subsoil use is shown taking into account more rational, integrated development of mineral deposits, protection of subsoil and environmental protection in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Laws of the Russian Federation and normative legal documentation.

Keywords: environmental protection; conservation of resources; waste production; technical design; payments for production waste; best available technologies; production costs; personnel training; self-regulatory organization.



Zaitseva N. V.  The historical legacy of the mining geometry in the Nizhny Tagil mining and metallurgical college named after E. A. and M. E. Cherepanov museum – p.20.

The article provides information about the unique old instruments exhibited in the Museum of the oldest secondary technical educational institutions of Russia – Nizhny Tagil mining and metallurgical College named after E. A. and M. E. Cherepanov. Museum objects representative of certain stages of development of the surveying art, and are monuments of science and technology.

Keywords: museum object; underground geometry; time circle; the lying compass; alidada.


Younes J. A., Mustafin M. G., Morozova V. D.  Establishment of mining geodetic network using the technology of satellite positioning – p.25.

The article discusses the technology of satellite positioning to establish the mining geodetic surveying networks. Shows the original technology of direct satellite measurements with the analysis of its accuracy. Described a practical example of the possible use of technologies of satellite positioning for the kostomuksha iron ore deposits.

Keywords: mining geodetic network; survey; geodetic measurements; the method of triangulation; satellite positioning.


Grishko S. V., Kashnikov Yu. A.  The definition of necessary and sufficient number of reference points in the local geodynamic satellite networks – p.29.

The article investigated the influence of number of control points on the accuracy of the calculation of the vectors of horizontal and vertical displacements in the local geodynamic satellite networks. Recommendations are given for determination of their optimal number.

Keywords: geodynamic polygon; monitoring; satellite network; reference point; displacement vector.


Karabiber S. V.  Geometrization of the indicators of coal quality on the basis of extrapolation of data mining – p.33.

The article presents the results of experimental studies on the use of extrapolation of data mining to the forecast of the main indicators of the quality of extracted coal. Conditions are defined under which extrapolation produces more accurate estimates than the traditional forecast on exploration data.

Keywords: indicators of quality of coal; geometrization; extrapolation; topographic surface.



Khvostantseva A. V., Kashnikov Yu. A.  Prediction of subsidence of the seabed in developing the kirinskoye gas condensate field – p.37.

The article considers the issue of forecasting the subsidence of the seabed as the result of development the Kirinskoye gas and condensate field (KGKM) using the finite element method. Providing a parametric computational model was carried out according to test results of core samples from the productive reservoirs of the field for determination of physical-mechanical and compression properties. Special attention was paid to the distribution of the obtained properties of formations KGKM based materials processing acoustic logging of wells.

Keywords: geomechanics; geophysics; testing of core samples; finite element method; prediction of subsidence.


Solomennikov M. Y., Musikhin V. V., Kharina N. M. Estimation of the accuracy of  the determination of subsidence obtained by radar interferometry from satellite images of ENVISAT and TerraSAR-X on the territory of the industrial site of Berezniki – p.44.

In the article, using the example of monitoring the territory of an industrial facility in the city of Berezniki, a comparison was made between the accuracy of the determination of subsidence, obtained from the results of radar survey from satellites, with the results of geometric leveling. A conclusion is made about the applicability of the radar interferometry method for monitoring significant areas.

Keywords: radar interferometry; accuracy assessment; subsidence; ENVISAT; TerraSAR-X.


Nurpeisova M. B., Kirgizbaeva G. M., Baltabaeva S. T., Amanbekova A. E.  Study of stress-strain  state of rock masses in mines of East Kazakhstan – p.50.

The article considers geomechanical processes when mining of some deposits of East Kazakhstan. The results of the evaluation of the stress-strain state of rock masses in the excavation of workings on the contact with the tectonic disturbances.

Keywords: tectonic faults; fracturing; the excavation of workings; stress state; observation; prediction; protection measures.



The mining institute of the Ural branch of the Russian academy of sciences – 55 years – p.57.


80 years anniversary of Nurpeisova Marzhan Baysanovna – p.62.


85 years of Marath Petrovich Vasilchuk – p.63.


85 years anniversary of Zimych Vladimir Stepanovich – p.65.



Review of the conference “Industrial safety and geologist-surveyor works in the extraction of hydrocarbons”, Tyumen, 2017 – p.67.


Review of the conference “Geodesy and surveying”, Volgograd, 2017 – p.70.


Review of the forum – dialogue «Industrial safety – state, business and society responsibility» – p.71.