- The article's materials should be original, not previously published.
- The article should be executed in Microsoft Word format with the extension .doc (.docx), font Times New Roman, size 14, margins 2.0 cm from all directions, indentation - 1.25 cm, interval 1.5. Sealing of intervals is prohibited. The page numbering is not set.
- The standard size of the article: 8-10 pages of text plus 4-5 pictures.
- The article should contain UDC code, annotation (3-4 sentences) and key words (7-10 words) in Russian and English.
- All formulas must be created using Microsoft Equation. It is recommended that physical units and designations be given in the International System of SI units. To refer to formulas in the text, use parentheses - (1).
- Each table should be numbered and have a title. The table number and the title are placed above the table. The number is made out as «Table 1», font - Times New Roman, italics, size - 14, the position of the text on the page on the right. The title is placed on the next line, the font is Times New Roman, the size is 14, the position of the text on the page is centered.
- The article should have a bibliographic list, drawn up in accordance with the requirements of GOST 7.1-2003 (GOST R7.0.5-2008).
When using electronic resources, it is necessary to refer to the source and indicate the date of application.
The number of the literary reference is given in square brackets at the appropriate place in the text.
All bibliographic information should be carefully checked. There are no links that can not be traced (found) by readers, for example, reports about research and development, PIR, etc., for unpublished works.
Example of bibliographic list design
Библиографический список
- Гальперин А. М. Геомеханика открытых горных работ. М.: МГГУ, 2003. 356 с.
- Бахаева С. П. Расчет устойчивости откосов при открытой геотехнологии: учеб. пособие. Кемерово: Кузбасский государственный технический университет им. Т. Ф. Горбачева, 2011. 158 с.
- Зубков В. В., Зубкова И. А., Бычин А. К. Анализ методов оценки устойчивости бортов карьеров // Маркшейдерский вестник. 2015. № 1(104). С. 48–51.
- Геомеханика: учеб. пособие / П. В. Егоров, Г. Г. Штумпф, А. А. Ренев, Ю. А. Шевелев, И. В. Махраков, В. В. Сидорчук. Кемерово: Кузбасский государственный технический университет им. Т. Ф. Горбачева, 2011. 325 с.
- Горбатова Е. А., Колесатова О. С., Картунова С. О., Тулубаева М. Ф. Анализ геологических особенностей месторождения «Подотвальное» // Актуальные проблемы современной науки, техники и образования: материалы 71-й межрегиональной научно-технической конференции / под ред. В. М. Колокольцева. Магнитогорск: Изд-во Магнитогорск. гос. техн. ун-та им. Г. И. Носова, 2013. Т. 1. С. 22–27.
- Методические указания по определению углов наклона бортов, откосов уступов и отвалов, строящихся и эксплуатируемых карьеров. Л., 1972.
- Almandalawi Maged, You Greg, Dahlhaus Peter, Dowling Kim, Sabry Mohannad. Slope stability and rockfall hazard analysis in open pit zinc mine // Int. Jour. of Geomate. 2015.Vol. 8. No. 1. P. 1143–1150.
- Abdul Matin Mondol, Chowdhury Quamruzzaman, Mainul Kabir, Zabir Hossain. Open Pit Slope Design Coal Mine Using Limit Equilibrium Methods of Slope Stability Analysis // Int. Jour. of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering. 2013. Vol. 3. Issue 12. P. 49–53.
- Cheng Y. K. Assessing Rockfall Hazards Using a Three-Dimensional Numerical Model Based on High Resolution DEM // Proceedings of the 22nd International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference. 2012. June 17–22, Rhodes, Greece.
- Lazar M. Researches on stability and ecological reconstruction of the land affected by mining. Romania: Editura University Petroşani, 2016. 140 p.
- Galperin A. M. Geomechanics of open pit mining. Moscow: MGGU, 2003. 356 p.
- Bahaeva S. P. Calculation of the stability of slopes with open geotechnology: Textbook. allowance. Kemerovo: Kuzbass state technical University of them. T. F. Gorbachev, 2011. 158 p.
- Zubkov V. V., Zubkova I. A., Bychin A. K. Analysis of methods for assessing the stability of the sides of opencast mines. Mine surveying bulletin. 2015. No. 1 (104). pp. 48–51.
- Egorov P. V., Shtumpf G. G., Renev A. A., Shevelev Yu. A., Makhrakov I. V., Sidorchuk V. V. Geomechanics: Textbook. Allowance. Kemerovo: Kuzbass state technical University of them. T. F. Gorbachev, 2011. 325 p.
- Gorbatova E. A., Kolesatova O. S., Kartunova S. O., Tulubaeva M. F. Analysis of geological features of the «Podiatvalnoe» deposit. Actual problems of modern science, engineering and education: materials of the 71st Interregional scientific-technical conference. Ed. V. M. Kolokoltseva. Magnitogorsk: Publishing house Magnitogorsk. state. tech. university of them. G. I. Nosova, 2013. Vol. 1. pp. 22–27.
- Methodical instructions for determining the angles of slope of the sides, slopes of ledges and heaps, constructed and operated open pits. L., 1972.
- Almandalawi Maged, You Greg, Dahlhaus Peter, Dowling Kim, Sabry Mohannad. Slope stability and rockfall hazard analysis in open pit zinc mine // Int. Jour. of Geomate. 2015. Vol. 8. No. 1. pp. 1143–1150.
- Abdul Matin Mondol, Chowdhury Quamruzzaman, Mainul Kabir, Zabir Hossain. Open Pit Slope Design of Barapukuria Coal Mine Using Limit Equilibrium Methods of Slope Stability Analysis // Int. Jour. of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering. 2013. Vol. 3. Issue 12. pp. 49–53.
- Cheng Y. K. Assessing Rockfall Hazards Using the Three-Dimensional Numerical Model Based on the High Resolution DEM // Proceedings of the 22nd International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference. 2012. June 17–22, Rhodes, Greece.
- Lazar M. Researches on the stability and ecological reconstruction of the land affected by mining. Romania: Editura University Petroşani, 2016. 140 p.
Inclusion in the list more than 2-3 of your own works is not allowed.
8. Photographs and drawings contained in the text of the article attached to the article as separate files.
Each figure should have a caption (below the figure), in which the explanation of all its elements. The caption begins with the word «Figure», then specify the number of the figure and after the point its name. Numbering of figures end – to-end in Arabic numerals. Label alignment – center, the point at the end of the signature is not assigned. All figures should be referenced in the text.
Figures should be clear, clear in every detail and suitable for computer processing in black and white. You should not overload the drawings with the secondary data, not directly related to the text of the article.
Photo (color) should be contrasting, in the format ТIF, JPG or РSD resolution no less than 300 dpi at 1:1 scale.
9. At the end of the article, the full name of each author, academic degree, academic title, position, as well as contact E-mail, telephone number and postal address for sending the author's copy are given.
10. The article (including figures, annotation and keywords) is provided to the editors in electronic form. The full version of the article should also be presented as a PDF file.
11. In order to accelerate the adoption of technical and scientific articles for publication, authors are requested to send them to the editor with "the recommendations to publish" any member of the Editorial Board of our journal.
12. The author technical and scientific articles, including graduate students, the publication will not be charged.