mv 3 2013– ANNIVERSARY of KarSTU

A. M. Gazaliev. Karaganda State Technical University is a leader of preparation of technical personnel – p.5


F. K. Nizametdinov. Department of surveying and geodesy at the threshold of the 60th anniversary – p.7

The main data on structure of the department of staff of basic information on the composition of staff, material and educational and methodical providing, scientific development and achievements of the famous department scientists in recent years have contributed to the development of the department are provided. Particular attention is given to international cooperation with other related departments of surveying and geodetic direction and foreign companies. Finally the priority directions of further development of the department are considered.

Keywords: Karaganda State Technical University; Department of surveying and geodesy; preparation of surveying and geodetic personnel; famous scientists; faculty; educational activity; scientific work of department; international relations.


S. G. Ozhigin, D. V. Mozer, N. F. Nizametdinov. Union of surveyors of Kazakhstan as realization of mining tasks – p.13

The history of the organization of the Union of Surveyors of Kazakhstan (USK) for the purpose of association of efforts of surveyors for the joint solution of professional tasks is considered, the main results of its activity are presented.

Keywords: surveyors of Kazakhstan; Union of Surveyors of Kazakhstan (USK); The International society on surveying business (ISM); development priorities.



E. K. Nurzhumin, S. V. Turspekov. Application of statistical analysis in geodetic works – p.16

Statistical researches of the field of gradients of density of survey pickets are considered. Systematization is conducted on separate groups and the summary results of treatment of statistical descriptions are given.

Keywords: geodetic works; the field of gradients of density of survey pickets; field of gradients heights; statistical analysis.


N. F. Nizametdinov, S. G. Ozhigin, S. B. Ozhigina, D. S. Ozhigin. Monitoring of stability of boards of pits of Kazakhstan – p.18

Results of long-term work of specialists of research laboratory "Mine Surveying, geomechanics and geometrization depths" (Department of "Mine Surveying and Geodesy" Karaganda State Technical University (KSTU)) at the largest mines in Kazakhstan to ensure the stability of slopes benches, boards and dump pits are presented. It is shown that the problem of ensuring stability of onboard arrays on pits can be solved only on the basis of the concept of geomechanical monitoring of a condition of the career slopes considered in this article, providing system approach to the solution of all components of tasks and questions, the complex account and the analysis of all natural and technogenic factors.

Keywords: pit; slope; stability; geomechanical monitoring; complex account and analysis.


N. F. Nizametdinov, R. F. Nizametdinov. Surface laser scanning in geodesy – p.24

Application of technology of laser scanning at building of constructions and subsequent control of the state of their constructions is considered. Examples of use of laser scanning are given at erection of Khan-Shatyr trade-entertaining complex in Astana city (Kazakhstan), and also control of deformations of constructions of concert hall "Kazakhstan". The received three-dimensional model of "cloud of points" was used by the designers of the Khan-Shatyr complex for comparing to project data of location of connecting bolts of a design of the building.

Keywords: surface laser scanning; cloud of points; three-dimensional model; Khan-Shatyr complex.


D. V. Mozer, Zh. Z. Toleubekova, A. K. Satbergenova. Innovation ground scanning systems in surveying business – p.27

The principle of operation of the innovative ground radar interferometer with a real aperture of GPRI-2 is considered.

Experimental measurements were carried out within realization of the international grants of the German service of the academic exchanges of DAAD under the direction of professor V.Bush, Technical University Klaustal (Germany). Measurements were carried out on the range of solid household waste of "Kirschenplantage" in Germany. Processing of results was carried out in the program GAMMA complex which has been specially developed for processing of results of a ground radar interferometry. Accuracy of definition of shift of points at a set speed of radiation of signals reaches 2 mm.

Keywords: ground scanning of a surface of the earth; ground radar interferometer; reflector; data processing; accuracy of definition of shift of points.



A. Yu. Grevtsev. Mining easement in the system of Russian law – p.30

Theoretical positions about mining easement, their realization within the framework of introduced in State Duma of Russian Federation of bill and analysis of wrecking amendments touching positions about mining easement are considered.

Keywords: subsurface resources management; bill; article; relationship; mining easement; the land easement for mineral resources.


I. V. Abakumov, Yu. A. Skorik. Integrated approach to revaluation of remaining supplies of bouldery of chromic ores of Saranovsky scatterings – p.33

The questions of estimation of remaining supplies of bouldery scatterings of chromic ores near the settlement of Sarana of Perm Krai are considered. Taking into account the comparatively simple mining and geological conditions, small volumes of annual production, and also possibility of conducting mining operations in several faces it is offered to apply criterion "the minimum industrial exit of ore boulder" at which equality of value of a taken product to costs of its receiving, to all remaining (whole and technogenic) to scattering stocks is reached.

Keywords: bouldery of chromic ores; remaining supplies; supplies estimation; economic criteria; the minimum industrial exit of ore boulder


A. V. Yakovlev, K. A. Kochnev, S. R. Pyanzin, A. M. YakovlevJustification of an order of putting into the operation the areas of quarries of the Gorkitsky field as a part of Tarynnakhsky GOK – p.35

Methodology of ground of order of putting into the operation of areas of quarries is offered at working off large-scale deposits of minerals, based on principle of the point ranging. Researches are conducted on the example of the Gorkitsky deposit of iron ores as a part of Tarynnakhsky GOK


K. M. Semenova. Influence of relief and technology on efficiency of sludge pond silting – p.37

The possibilities of increase in reception ability of alluvial constructions taking into account geomorphological features of a placement of dump capacity and a way of laying of breeds when forming a technogenic relief broken by means of hydromechanization of territories are considered.

Keywords: influence; relief; technology; silting; efficiency; hydraulicking; hydromechanization; sludge pond; reception ability; land areas; formation of the washed massif; sludge ponds capacity location; operating ratio.


V. V. Yakheev. Analytical dependences of slope angles workings for the smooth of filing the tab when the ore preparation – p.41

Analytical dependences angles workings ideal conditions allowing for a smooth transporting tab when ore preparing the fields are established.

Keywords: ore preparation; analysis; dependency; angle workings; feed; tab.



E. N. Melnikova, M. G. Mustafin, M. M. Snareva. Methodology of organization of geodesic control of deformations of plumbings in the conditions of Saint Petersburg – p.43

The method for monitoring the deformation process of the Earth's surface at the site of placement of pipelines in St. Petersburg is presented. The approach, including the allocation of potentially hazardous areas in which you are geodetic monitoring, is considered.

Keywords: earth's surface; deformation; subsidence; horizontal displacement; geodetic measurements; strain state of soils.


T. N. Malik, V. G. Burachek. Increasing the accuracy of sight communications devices of photoelectric connection – p.48

The method of increase of accuracy of sighting devices, photoelectric communication device by creating optical electronic communication devices in a double photoelectric circuit (DPEC) is described.

Keywords: double photoelectric circuit; control elevation; photoelectric connection; subpixel technology


G. P. Zhukov. About the reference book of surveyor – p.52

Information on the updated reference book of surveyor prepared for the edition in current 2013 is presented, its contents is provided and main sections are briefly considered.

Keywords: production of surveying works; reference book of surveyor; modern surveying devices and tools; accounting of reserves and losses of minerals; displacement of rocks; geometrizing of deposits; mine graphic documentation; computer facilities.



A. A. Kalenitsky, E. L. Kim, V. A. Seredovich. Modern idea of carrying out geodynamic researches on oil and gas deposits – p.54

The question of design of geodynamic ranges on oil and gas deposits on the basis of application of modern geodetic and geophysical methods is considered. It is shown that complexation of geodetic methods with the gravimetric method being most low-cost, fast and effective, promotes the solution of a task on the operative and reliable exposure of geodynamic processes, allows to reduce considerably terms of identification of dangerous sites in the geodynamic relation.

Keywords: oil and gas deposits; geodynamic condition; geodynamic range; geodetic and geophysical methods; gravimetry; complex assessment.


V. V. Zubkov, E. E. KvaytkovskayThe formation of areas of HGP (high ground pressure) when developing of multisheeted suites - p.61

The results of numerical experiments to assess the state of stress of the rock mass and the formation of areas of high ground pressure when developing suites of coal seams are presented.

Keywords: rock mass, suite of seams, stress state, HGP zone.