V. V. Yakheev.Methodology of determination of areas and volume of cavities of stratification in the roof of excavations (Weber's cavities) by means of deep reference points – p.5

The problem of formation of cavities of stratification in a roof of excavations (Weber's cavities) is considered. The settlement technique of determination of their areas and volume by means of deep reference points is offered.

Keywords: stratification cavities; Weber's cavities; roof of excavations; stability of developments; danger of emission of mine breeds; area; volume; methodology; reference points.


S. V. Praktika.Engineering-geological and hydrogeological studying of ash dumps of combined heat and power plant by engineering preparation of the territory for construction – p.7

Specific features of water and physical, filtrational and mechanical properties of alluvial deposits of ash dumps which distinguish them from natural soil of similar granulometric structure are considered.

Keywords: ash dump; engineering-geological conditions; permeability; gradient; filtration


A. F. Mitrofanov.Technique of application of an indicator kriging when modeling a field of Fedorov Tundra – p.10

Experience of application of an indicator kriging when modeling Cu-Ni-PGE of a field of Fedorov Tundra on the Kola Peninsula is described.

Keywords: calculation of stocks; geological modeling; kriging; block model; indicator variogram.



O. N. Gorbunov.Satellite monitoring of deformations of the sea stationary LSP-1 platform – p.15

The main results of test satellite monitoring of the sea LSP-1 platform by means of the Leica CrossCheck service are presented.

Keywords: monitoring; satellite receiver; deformations; shifts; control point.


V. I. Gleyzer, M. S. Kon.The new device for gyroscopic orientation – p.19

New development of firm "is considered by Sokkia Topcon Co. Ltd" (Japan) - an automatic girostantion of GYRO X. Its main technical characteristics and the design features, allowing to increase reliability and productivity of works on gyroscopic orientation are given.

Keywords: surveying works; gyroscopic orientation; automatic girostantion of GYRO X; tacheometer; gironasadka; reliability of works.+


A. P. Bulbashev, G. P. Zhukov, G. A. Malozemov.The feasibility study on elimination and preservation of excavations of the fulfilled part of mine branch of a pit – p.21

On the example of Afanasyevsky pit of JSC Lafarzh Tsement technical requirements on the organization and production of elimination and preservation of excavations of the fulfilled part of its mine branch are stated. Basic provisions of the Project (the feasibility study - the feasibility report) elimination and preservation of excavations of the fulfilled part of mine branch are given. The project (TEO) is developed according to the order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Russian Federation No. 218 of June 25, 2010 and meets the requirements to structure and registration of project documentation on elimination and preservation of excavations.

Keywords: pit; excavations; elimination and preservation project; geomechanical providing; rekultivation; ecology and economy; safety measures; protection of a subsoil; environmental protection.


S. A. Vokhmin, A. I. Golovanov, E. G. Malinovskiy, Yu. P. Trebush, G. S. Kurchin, E. S. Mayorov.Experience of rationing of losses and impoverishment on mines ZF JSC Norilsk Nickel MMC – p.25

Experience of rationing of losses and impoverishment at underground production of copper-nickel ores by chamber and layered systems of development on mines ZF JSC Norilsk Nickel MMC is considered. Article is some synthesis of researches of authors earlier published by collective.

Keywords: rationing; losses; impoverishment; extraction indicators.



V. V. Zubkov, I. A. Zubkova, A. A. Andreyev.Geomechanical justification of working off of a deposit of medisty ores of the October field – p.29

Results of an expert assessment of a geomechanical condition of a deposit of medisty ores and sufficiency of preventive measures for unloading of the ore massif from dangerous tension are presented.

Keywords: ore massif; expert assessment; geomechanical condition; dangerous tension.


V. V. Zubkov, A. M. Linkov.About displacement modeling for ensuring ecological safety in earned additionally territories – p.31

The new method of calculation of displacement of a terrestrial surface is presented. It is based on the effective solution of three-dimensional tasks for multilayered environments. Method, keeping all advantages of known approaches, it appears more flexible, allowing to consider bigger number of important geomechanical parameters.

Keywords: standard curve of subsidence; inclinations; curvature; transitional functions; horizontal displacement and deformations.


N. N. Grishchenkov, E. V. Blinnikova.The forecast of deformations of a terrestrial surface in earned additionally territories taking into account a mesorelief – p.34

The mathematical model is developed for the forecast of displacement and deformations of a terrestrial surface in the hilly district, that is on mesorelief slopes. The model is based on a hypothesis of interrelation of displacement of a soil layer and radical breeds at a side job of a terrestrial surface by mining operations.

Keywords: additionally earned; mesorelief; deformations.


K. M. Murin.Ways of fight against troubling of soil in preparatory developments at zone disintegration of the massif – p.38

Existing ways of fight against troubling of soil in preparatory developments as one of characteristics of the phenomenon of zone disintegration of the massif of rocks are analysed and the critical characteristic of each of them is given.

Keywords: preparatory excavations; troubling of soil; tensely-deformed state; phenomenon of zonal disintegration; massif unloading; strengthening of breeds.


V. S. Zykov, I. L. Nepomnishchev.Geodynamic zoning of areas of coal layers – p.42

Technology of exposure of dangerous zones on the dynamic phenomena areas of the layers delineated by preparatory productions, called geodynamic zoning of areas of layers (briefly GZUP) is described. Complex of indexes of properties of coal defining a dynamic state of the coalbreeding massif, which function of distribution in space of a subsoil (geoinformation fields) have implicit character, it is offered to present in the form of set of conditional topographical surfaces that allows to apply mine and geometrical laws for operating these functions and use GIS-technologies for the automated construction on plans of mining operations of dangerous zones on the dynamic phenomena.

Keywords: coal layer; dynamic phenomena; dangerous zone; geodynamic zoning; exponent of dynamic danger; GIS-technologies; geoinformation field.


N. E. Fedotov. Determination of rational scheme of dissection and system of development of lunar pit - p.46

Determination of forms of lunar relief is specified. The rational scheme of dissection and system of development of lunar pit on production of an isotope of Ne-3 locates.

Keywords: energy security of the Russian Federation; Moon; forms of a lunar relief; parameters of lunar pit; scheme of dissection and development system.


K. E. Trishin.Chronicles of ancient civilizations: cynical falsification or reality? Part II – p.51






– OUR MEMORY – p.67