Yu. G. Tolpegin. To a question of effective development before explored reserves of firm minerals – p.5
The objective reasons of decline of mining branch, as a result of unreasoned economic policy of the state after disorder of the Soviet Union are considered. Against hundred thrown perspective enterprises of Chukotka and Kamchatka examples of successful development of gold mining of Alaska and Kamchatka are given. Recommendations about carrying out auctions and tenders about sale of licenses for fields are made.
Keywords: mining branch; gold mining; economic policy; license for fields; auction; tender; standard and legal regulation.
Review of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Rational and safe subsurface use" – p.8
- S. P. Bakhayeva, D. V. Guryev, T. V. Mikhaylova. Research of influence of variability of physical and mechanical properties of soils on stability of dams – p.11
Regional physical and mechanical properties of clay soils of Kuzbass dams based on the aggregation and processing of mathematical statistics methods of materials of engineering and geological researches are established, evaluated the influence of varying the properties of the stability of dams.
Keywords: physical-mechanical properties of clay soils; SP 11-105-97; correlation; sustainability of dams.
I. V. Derevyashkin, V. G. Merzlyakov. To the question of optimization of parameters of technology of development on JSC Lebedinsky GOK career – p.15
The characteristic of a transport network of the largest iron-ore enterprise of Russia and basic provisions of the project of complete reconstruction of the traveling scheme of delivery of mine mass from a pit is provided. In a basis of reconstruction the cyclic and line technology of transportation of mine mass with placement of crush-conveyer complexes directly onboard a pit is put. Transition to the transport scheme of cyclic and line technology "car-conveyor" will allow to increase pit capacity, to reduce length and height of transportation of ore, to reduce equipment park, to optimize movements of a cargo stream on railway transport
Keywords: traveling scheme of delivery of ore; cyclic and line technology "car-conveyor"; delivery of mine mass; crush-conveyer complexes onboard a pit.
G. P. Zhukov, V. B. Lebedev, M. S. Kon. Surveying providing of building and exploitation of vertical mine shafts – p.19
It is noted that norms of a deviation of conductors at installation of a hard armor of vertical mine shafts were not reconsidered more than 40 years, and the actual values of deviations of conductors in the operated and deformable shafts considerably exceeding norms on assembly deviations, doesn't exist. Justification of need and possibility of development of norms of deviations of conductors in operated and deformable shafts is given. Names NIR which, according to authors, can lead to the solution of these problems are provided.
Keywords: pit; mine; vertical shaft; armor; deviation of conductors; possible norms; offered NIR.
WANG Zhiqiang, QIAO Jianyong, ZHAO Jingli. Features of displacement of rocks and research of appearing zones when developing powerful coal layer on full capacity – p.21
Researches on a new method of definition of appearing three zones of displacement for layers over bottom-hole space are presented. As a result of the conducted researches the amendment in the theory of a bearing layer of a roof is made. Also the formula connecting parameters of bottom-hole space and the critical size of a step of a collapse of the main layer was defined. The new method of exact definition of the indicated zones, based on the theory of bearing layers of breed, is recommended first of all for development of powerful coal layer on full capacity. At check of the offered method in practice it is established that it is more objective and preferable in comparison with existing methods.
Keywords: powerful coal layer; developing on full capacity; area of three zones; bearing layer.
V. N. Zakharov, I. F. Zharikov, B. K. Norel. Durability passport for non-uniform rocks in three-dimensional stress state – p.28
Physical dependence are considered new mechanical models of rock under the action of different kinds of three-dimensional stress state. The mathematical model of addiction included: parameter, a different Nadai three-dimensional stress state, the magnitude of the potential energy changes the volume and value of the potential energy change form elements of rock in the stress-strain State of equilibrium. These indicators allow to establish the mechanical conditions of preservation of the equilibrium condition dependence of rocks and formation conditions of transition in nonequilibrium State under the action of three-dimensional stress state, to justify the physical strength of rocks with the Passport action volumetric stress state, set up a mathematical model of strength criterion for rock with the volumetric busy state power conditions
Keywords: Passport; three-dimensional stress state; the main voltage; mechanical model; the stress tensor; strain tensor; energy indicators; principal stress invariants.
A. E. Zhuravlev, V. N. Gusev. Determination of parameters of transition from the curvature received from natural supervision at various intervals between reference points, to true curvature – p.32
It is shown that the curvature received from supervision on profile lines, depends on an interval between reference points. The analytical type of this dependence, allowing to carry out transition from the curvature received on profile lines with a various length of intervals, to its true values is given.
Keywords: construction of tunnels; profile lines; interval between reference points; curvature; transitional functions.
Yu. O. Kuzmin. Physical bases of measurement of shifts of a terrestrial surface the RSA method of an interferometry and a problem of their identification on fields of hydrocarbonic raw materials (UV) – p.37
Problems of identification of true shifts of the terrestrial surface received as a result of application of the RSA method of an interferometry at monitoring of deformation processes on fields of UV are discussed. It is shown that autonomous use of results of radar measurements leads to essential distortion of results of measurements. Need of a reduction of values observed by a radar method of "inclined range of vision of the satellite" from a position of the accounting of a ratio of vertical and horizontal shifts of a terrestrial surface on the basis of the basic equation of RSA of an interferometry is proved. Various approaches to establishment of true sizes of a full vector of shifts of a terrestrial surface according to interferometric data are considered and the hybrid method of the analysis of the results, considering data of mathematical modeling and results of specially organized system of geodetic supervision is offered.
Keywords: RSA interferometry; modeling of vertical and horizontal shifts of a terrestrial surface; "inclined range of vision of the satellite"; monitoring of deformation processes on UV fields.
I. I. Erilova. The experience of using the internet - space in the educational process on the example of the site «The textbook of surveyor and land surveyor» - p.45
Presents brief characteristics of the created by the author of the reference and information site. Lists the main educational and methodological materials posted on the site. Analyzed attendance and efficiency of use. Are some considerations on the improvement of the educational process with the use of modern information technologies.
Keywords: educational process, geodesy, mine surveying, lectures, Internet-portal, web hosting, website.
Yu. A. Kashnikov. 60 years to chair of surveying business, geodesy and geoinformation systems of the Perm National Research Polytechnical University (PNRPU) – p.56
80 years to Robert Andreyevich Takranov – p.63
In Rostekhnadzor congratulated veterans – p.64