V. V. Gritskov.About humanitarian projects of the Union of surveyors of Russia – p.5

Humanitarian activity of the Union of surveyors of Russia, directed on increase of prestige of surveying specialty, patriotic education of youth and professional orientation of younger generation is considered.

Keywords: Union of surveyors of Russia; humanitarian projects; patriotic education of youth; prestige of mining specialties; museum of surveying business; competition of young historians "Heritage of ancestors – young"; popular scientific magazine "Russian History".


V. A. Gordeev. Periodization of history of surveying business – p.8

Questions of choice of criterion for periodization of history of surveying business in coordination with system "production – science – education" are considered. It is offered to accept as the main criterion for periodization of surveying history a level of development of surveying measuring equipment taking into account a state during the considered periods of mining, geodesy, mine education. All history of mine surveying (from 2 thousand B.C. up to now) is broken on three periods. Every period is illustrated by examples from surveying history.

Keywords: mining; history of mine surveying; criterion of periodization; a level of development of surveying measuring equipment.




R. A. Takranov, A. A. Litvinova. Regularities of qualimetrical characteristics of coal for information support of coal mining on pits – p.13

The results of comprehensive studies of the composition, physical and mechanical properties of coal and fracture of structural layers for objects of strip-pit are given.

Keywords: macerals composition, physical and mechanical properties, fracture, mathematical analysis of correlation, difficult structural assise.


K. A. Kochnev, S. R. Pyanzin, A. V. Tryastsin. Cut of career fields and choice of the direction of development of mining works when developing cuts of mine type – p.19

The technique of cut of career fields and choice of the direction of development of mining works is offered when developing cuts of mine type by means of geoinformation support. Researches were conducted on the basis of the Elginsky field of coals.

Keywords: open mining works; mine cuts; working off order; mine and geometrical calculations; cutting out of the career fields; geoinformatics.



L. S. Safonov, A. V. Volokhov. Optimization of a network of approbation of ore fields by methods of the mine and geometrical analysis – p.26

The major influencing factors determining parameters of a network of approbation of ore bodies at their investigation and preparation - morphological and genetic factors are considered. It is shown that studying and the accounting of the specified factors and their total impact on density of a network of approbation allow to determine its optimum sizes and spatial placement.

Keywords: morphological factor; genetic factor; zone of influence of test; approbation network; nature of distribution of an indicator; required amount of tests; mineralization.


M. G. Vystrchil. Definition of criterion of boundary intensity for decoding of brands of external orientation by production of land laser scanning shooting – p.27

The question of definition of brands of external orientation - an integral part of field works is considered by production of land laser scanning shooting. It is shown that quality of the solution of this task influences registration accuracy, and, as a result on quality of the district received as a result of digital model, causes relevance of definition and improvement of algorithms of allocation of targets of external orientation from surrounding target noise and background points.

Keywords: targets of external orientation, land laser scanning, registration scanning.


M. G. Vystrchil. V. N. Gusev. Error of definition of accuracy positioning of cylindrical exterior orientation marks of rather laser scanning system – p.30

The question of improvement of quality of final digital terrain model are obtained by terrestrial laser scanning is considered. It is shown that it depends on the accuracy of the solution of a problem of registration of scans from the original coordinate system of the scanner into the desired system. Results of the analysis of formation of errors in determining the coordinates of external orientation marks are given at an analytical method of registration scans.

Keywords: exterior orientation marks; the angular and linear laser scanner error; corner, planned and high accuracy positioning of the marks.



V. N. Gusev, A. E. Zhuravlev. Reduction of the deformations received at various intervals of measurement, to the set interval through transitional function – p.36

Dependence of deformations of curvature on an interval between points in which are received subsidence is shown. On the basis of it transition functions from the deformations received on one interval, to deformations of the set interval for conditions of construction of microtunnels to St.Petersburg are removed.

Keywords: curvature; interval; transitional function.


A. P. Serafimin. Monitoring of displacement of a terrestrial surface and the massif of rocks when developing the Yakovlevsky deposit of rich iron ores – p.39

Results of natural supervision over displacement of the rocks, received on underground observing station are given, when developing rich iron ores of the Yakovlevsky deposit of KMA by system of horizontal layers with a bookmark under the water-bearing horizons. Comparison of subsidence in the layer of rocks and in a terrestrial surface is given.

Keywords: displacement of rocks; iron ores; mine; geomechanical monitoring; deformations; subsidence of rocks; bookmark hardening mixes; deep reference points.


V. V. Zubkov, I. A. Zubkova. Calculation of the increased water carrying out cracks over clearing development – p.45

Results of numerical experiments are presented computation strain state of the rock massif and to identification of zones of the increased water opening near the system of productive workings of suites of coal seams. 

Keywords: rock; suite of layers; stress state; water opening.



Yu. A. Chernegov. Development and use of knowledge in a scientifically-informative epoch – p.48

Knowledge development opens new areas of studying. As a result there a requirement for change of structure of a science. The new large area of knowledge – sciences about artificial was designated. It includes that isn’t created by the nature, and has arisen thanks to appendix of mind fns hands of person. It is shown that sciences about artificial already possesses all components of a mature science. Their use allows considerably to raise productivity of engineering creativity. Sciences about the artificial concern to category the fundamental.

Keywords: knowledge development; stacture of science; science about artificial; components of science; engeneering creativity; fundamental sciences.



N. N. Grishchenkov. The XV International congress on surveying business: look of the Ukrainian colleagues – p.55

I. I. Erilova. Results of work of seminar No.2 " Problems of mine surveying, geometry and qualimetry of bowels of the earth" – p.57




– OUR MEMORY – p.62